Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What is an Episcopalian?

Some reflections from the youth confirmands:
  • "An Episcopalian is free to be who they are without being questioned about their faith and looked down upon by other members. We are allowed to have our own thoughts and opinions about God and the Church without being judged."
  • "I go home wondering about something said during the sermons. I really like that our church is very accepting of everyone and it doesn't matter who they are and if they are a different religion, we welcome all kinds of people! We will never judge anyone on there looks or there skin color we are just very kind and welcoming people, I think our congregation is just filled with nice and caring people who are like family to me, They will welcome anyone who walks through our doors and that is a big thing to me, I really dislike who people judge people by there looks and we don't do that. I have had friends come with me to church and be surprised at how fast our services are and how nice everyone is."
  • "One of the most important characteristics of being an Episcopalian is being open-minded. By this I mean to not judge others on what they look like or anything they have done in the past. As Episcopalians we welcome everybody to come and rejoice with us no matter what race or past religion."
  • "We focus on Grace rather than sin. We believe that God will forgive us for anything we have done or might do. Being an Episcopalian lets you live your life in happiness rather than in fear of doing something wrong. When someone happens to make a bad choice in life all they have to do is ask for forgiveness from God and they receive it. There are no special tasks you must do in order to receive forgiveness from God."
  • "As Episcopalians we believe in helping others whenever we get the chance. By helping and doing charity work we know we are doing what God wants us to do by bringing peace to all and making the world a better place. We are to spread the word of our lord and bring peace and happiness wherever we go."
  • "My favorite event of the parish is the Apple Festival because I think this shows the true feelings of faith and belonging of our Church family. Our whole parish comes together either baking, setting up, cleaning up, keeping the kitchen stocked, cooking, and doing whatever is needed at the time to make the fair go smoothly. We want to raise money for St. Peters, but also show the community that St. Peters is a family of people that work hard together but with much fun and happiness to support our church."
  • "To me an Episcopalian is someone who welcomes all to their church with open arms and really makes everyone feel accepted. AT work, at home, at the store and anywhere we go, an Episcopalian is one who likes to make people feel better when their down and to forgive people who do wrong."
  • "An Episcopalian is someone who enjoys and embraces the gift of life given to us by God. It also means that we have to teach others the benefits of helping others and our church without getting a physical benefit."
  • "An Episcopalian is a role model and guides young church goers in the right direction on their journey of faith."
  • "My family had been Episcopalian's for many generations. I know when I am older and on my own I will still be an Episcopalian because I always feel welcomed when I walk into the church and I can talk to everyone because everyone is so nice and friendly. I just fell like I really belong at this church and with this religion. Now this is what being an Episcopalian means to me."