Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What the Pilgrims Really Sought...

Their trip to the New World wasn’t about tolerance or diversity. It was about purity. Yet the Revolutionary struggle united these diverse believers and set us on a path to the unprecedented religious harmony that this nation now celebrates.

What the Pilgrims really sought

By Michael Medved - USA Today 11/23/09
As American families sit down to their traditional Thanksgiving feasts, they will naturally recall the familiar story of the Pilgrims and, in the process, distort the true character of the nation's religious heritage.
Read the whole article here, which very nicely ties in what we learned in our fall study.

And a thought from a founding father...

“Let us tenderly and kindly cherish, therefore, the means of knowledge. Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write.”

John Adams (1735-1826)
2nd U.S. President

Monday, November 23, 2009

One more thought from a Founding Mother...

“I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.”

— Martha Washington (1731-1802)
First Lady of the United States

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Confirmation Class - Assignment #2

Due on: December 6

Assignment II: The Birth of Jesus

Read the birth narratives of Jesus:
  • Matthew 1:1-2:23
  • Luke 1:1-2:40
Answer these questions:

1. Which birth narrative did you like? Why?
2. What are 3 similarities between the two birth narratives?
3. What are 3 differences between the two birth narratives?
4. The Angel visits Joseph in which Gospel? visits Mary?
5. Who gave Jesus his name?
6. Where was Jesus born?
7. Is John the Baptist related to Jesus?

Founding Faith: The Last Week

To prepare for the last class you might want to look at...

The Framers and the Faithful: How modern evangelicals are ignoring their own history. By Steven Waldman

Fallacy #1: The Founders Weren't Deists

Fallacy #2 The Founders Weren't Conservative Christians

Interview of Steven Waldman author of Founding Faith (transcript)

Courting Religion: Steven Waldman on Founding principles - Interview, Transcript

Founding Myths

Week VI: Madison & Monroe

James Monroe

The readings for Week VI:

Letter from James Madison to James Monroe

James Monroe on Wikipedia (optional)

James Madison

The Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787 [on Power of States]

Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments

Virginia Ratifying Convention

Veto Message on Act Incorporating the Alexandria Protestant Episcopal Church

Proclamation [for public humiliation, fasting and prayer]

The Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom

James Madison on Wikipedia (optional)